About the OpTeC Conference

The Montana State University's Optical Technology Center (OpTeC) will host the 30th annual OpTeC Conference on October 10, 2024. The conference is held in the Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering building in Inspiration Hall.The OpTeC conference highlights optical science and engineering, and is where undergraduate and graduate students, research staff, and faculty report on recent developments in optics at Montana State University. Companies will also share new developments in industry. After a day of oral presentations, a highlight of the meeting is always the evening catered poster session that includes exhibits from many local, regional, and national businesses.


Below is the general format of the 2024 OpTeC Conference agenda. A sample printable version of the 2023 agenda is available for download here: 2023 OpTeC Conference Agenda 

8:00 am

Check-in & Refreshments

8:20 am

Welcome Remarks

8:30 – 10:10 am

Oral Presentations

10:10 – 10:40 am

Break & Refreshments

10:40 – 12:00 pm

Oral Presentations

12:00 – 1:10 pm

Lunch break

1:10 – 3:10 pm

Oral Presentations

3:10 – 3:40 pm

Break & Refreshments

3:40 – 6:00 pm

Oral Presentations by Industry

6:00 – 8:00 pm

Poster & Exhibitor Session 

The Impact of Sponsorship

We greatly appreciate the support of our sponsors in the past - OptoSigma, City of Bozeman Department of Economic Development, Keysight Technologies, Montana Department of Commerce, Montana Photonics and Quantum Alliance, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, and the Officeof Research and Economic Development.The OpTeC Conference is a self-supporting event, meaning registration fees and sponsorship are what pay for the conference. Last year saw a record 110 attendees and a record number seven sponsors. The increase in sponsors not only helped supplement student registrations, but also enabled us to provide lunch. We discovered that providing lunch was a significant enhancement to the conference experience giving attendees - students, faculty, and industry - another opportunity to network and engage.

Sponsorship Tiers and Benefits

This year, we are excited to offer tiered sponsorship options to provide more flexibility and value for our partners:

  • Blue & Gold Sponsorship ($2000 or more):

    • Prominent logo placement in event materials and signage
    • Level-1 exhibition space (highest visibility)
    • Complimentary registrations for six people
    • Welcoming remarks at the evening poster session
  • Silver Sponsorship ($1000 - $1999):

    • Larger logo placement in event materials and signage
    • Level-2 exhibition space (high visibility)
    • Complimentary registrations for four people
  • Bronze Sponsorship ($500 - $999):

    • Logo placement in event materials and signage
    • Exhibition space
    • Complimentary registration for one person

Let’s Connect

We truly value our growing partnerships and would be honored to have you play a significant role in the OpTeC Conference 2024.

We look forward to the possibility of collaborating with you to make the 30th annual conference an even greater success.

Please reach out to us at optec@montana.edu to discuss sponsorship opportunities.